bikes tents 14

Dual Sport and Motorcycle Riding

Dual-registered bikes can ride on gravel roads in the Connecticut Lakes Headwaters Region that are open to road-registered motor vehicles.  This map shows which roads are “designated roads” and open to motorcycles and which are not.

Know Before You Go:

  • Annual Road Closures-Most dirt roads in Pittsburg are closed to all motor vehicle traffic until Memorial Day.
  • Closed Gates- If a gate is closed, the road is closed.
  • Ride the Wilds Trails- Dirt bikes and dual sport bikes are not allowed on ATV trails.


ATV & OHRV Riding

Thanks to our local club, the Great North Woods Riders, Pittsburg has 120 miles of trails on 8,000 acres of land. These trails connect with the Ride the Wilds network, which means you can ride from Pittsburg to Berlin and beyond!

Know before you go:

  • Trails are open from around Memorial Day until September 30th at dusk (see club website for details)
  • ATVs and OHRVs must be registered in the state of NH to ride on our trails. Dirt bikes are not allowed on the trails.
  • Only Ramblewood’s Day Road cabins have direct trail access

At Ramblewood

  • Northern Cedar Cabin (9) and Red Spruce Cabin (10) have direct trail access:  From the driveway, turn right and ride about 2 miles until your reach the trailhead and parking area on your left.
  • You can not ride directly on ATV trails from our campground, hillside, and lakeside cabins.
  • We sell ATV maps in our office store

In Pittsburg

  • Registrations can be bought at Treats & Treasures  and Young’s General Store
  • Trail parking is found at the trailhead on Back Lake Road (it is a large dirt area with signs on the left). A smaller trailhead with limited parking is available on Day Road, about 2 miles past where our cabins are located.
  • Rentals are available through Trailside Rentals, contact them directly to make reservations. Delivery is often available midweek.